Park Districts
Park Districts come to Ancel Glink for a wide range of legal services so they can focus on the business of recreation.
Ancel Glink understands Illinois parks. Rob Bush and Ancel Glink were awarded a Lifetime Achievement award by the Illinois Association of Park Districts in recognition of their steadfast counsel, commitment and generosity to Illinois park districts.
Both our attorneys and our clients consider parks the “fun government.” Our Park District clients assist individuals and families to improve their health, participate in recreational programs and enjoy open space. Ancel Glink has become the premier firm in the representation of park districts because our clients have concluded that it is no longer possible to maintain and operate a park district without developing substantial knowledge and familiarity with this special area of the law. The firm's park practice has expanded because we offer not only our economical legal services, but practical expertise for both standard and complex issues. We are able to do so because our staff includes professionals who have stood in our client’s shoes and understand the challenges park districts must meet. The firm now represents more than 35 park districts, park and recreation departments and special recreation associations.
Ancel Glink attorneys are the authors of a book series published by the Illinois Association of Park Districts designed to assist both elected officials and professionals. The Illinois Park District Law Handbook explains the legal rights and responsibilities of park districts and interprets and analyzes the Park District Code. Although the handbook cannot supply the answer to every question that might come up, it is a good source for initial reference and investigation. The contents of the handbook illustrate well the full service nature of our law firm. In addition, the Financial Procedures Manual for Illinois Park Districts provides step-by-step legal and practical explanations for how to prepare financial documents and comply with state law in matters related to appropriations, tax levies, borrowing and investing money and filing financial reports.
For more information about our park district practice, please talk to our clients, for it is their word of mouth that is our best asset. Of course, you can also contact Derke Price at 630-596-4612 or Scott Puma at 847-856-5422 for additional information.